
Do it with a Smile: Forecasting Volatility of Currency Options

with P.Pincheira and L.Reus
Finance Research Letters. 2020

Interdependent Preferences and Endogenous Reciprocity

with R.Harrison and M.Villena
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 76 (10): 68-75. 2018

Search at the Margin

with L.Smith
The American Economic Review, 103 (10): 3146-81. 2017

Sequential Search and Firm Prominence

with R. Yañez
Economic Theory. 2021

An Inexpert Expert

M.Carrasco and R.Yañez
Applied Economics Letters. 2022

Strategic Reciprocity and Preference Formation

with R.Harrison and M.Villena
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2022

Working Papers

Search and Exchange

L.Smith (2022)

Pandora with Multi-Unit Search

with A.Hernandez-Chanto and D.Carrasco (2022)

Pricing and Market Power under Search Frictions

A.Hernandez-Chanto and J.Rabenhorst (2024)

Multi-Unit Search in the Lab

A.Hernandez-Chanto and Zachary Breig (2024)

Second Degree Price-Discrimination: How and Why?

R.Yañez and C.Jaramillo (2024)